The Iranian Chapter of the International Society for Traditional, Complementary, and Integrative Medicine Research (ICISCMR) serves as ISCMR's regional body in Iran, representing all its members in the country. It is organized by the Iranian Scientific Association of Traditional Medicine (ISATM).
We are committed to supporting ISCMR's purpose and goals through outreach and engagement. Participation in our activities is always voluntary, fostering a collaboration and inclusive community. We strive to maintain transparency by sharing updates on our progress and initiatives. Opportunities for broader collaboration are highlighted through ISCMR's communication channels, encouraging connections across the global network. Our goal is to contribute meaningfully to ISCMR's mission by actively participating in its communications and promoting the exchange of ideas and information.
Board of Directors 2023|2025
The current board of directors of this chapter is made up of physicians and researchers from different areas of knowledge, who work in an integrated manner to promote the broad development of Complementary and Integrative Traditional Medicine.
Chair - Dr. Mahmood Khodadoost, MD PhD
Chair-Elect - Dr. Mehdi Pasalar, MD MPH PhD
Secretary - Dr. Babak Daneshfard, MD PhD
Treasurer - Dr. Mojtaba Heydari, MD PhD
Director at Large - Dr. Rasool Choopani, MD PhD