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ISCMR Scientific Article Prize


ISCMR is an international scientific organization of researchers, practitioners, and policy makers that fosters Complementary and Integrative Medicine research and provides a platform for knowledge and information exchange to enhance international communication and collaboration.

In line with ISCMR’s goal to encourage and support high quality research in the field of Traditional, Complementary, and Integrative Medicine and Health (TCIM), the ISCMR-initiated Scientific Article Prize Competition establishes an annual award for the best scientific article in the field to provide a way to highlight and share excellence in TCIM research no matter where the scientific article is published, and allows us to celebrate the best research in the TCIM field while affirming the importance and legitimacy of this field of research.

The articles are judged according to the following criteria:
1. Importance of the knowledge gap or issue in the field of TCIM addressed by the research
2. Methodological quality and rigor
3. Evidence of international collaboration
4. Clarity of presentation
5. Impact of the results on health and society

When call for nominations are made, ISCMR members may self-nominate or nominate other ISCMR members or non-members. For further information, please contact

Members please login to view the following document that provides detailed information about submission eligibility and nomination and judging processesStandard Operating Procedure for Scientific Article Prize (pdf) and to download the Nomination submission form (docx).

Call for Nominations

Each year, the Scientific Article Prize Competition nominations opens on the 1st of September and closes on the 13th of October.

Eligible articles must be published in a peer-reviewed journal between the 1st of July in the preceding year and 30th of June. Publication date is according to the official final PDF full text.

The awards will be announced the following year at the International Congress on Traditional, Complementary & Integrative Medicine Research (ICCMR).

Recent Articles
Past Scientific Article Prize Winners & Honorable Mentions
ISCMR thanks the Lotte & John Hecht Memorial Foundation for their generous philanthropic support that funded the first five years of the Prize Competition.

Dr. George Lewith Poster Prize


ISCMR is an international multidisciplinary scientific organization established to foster the development and dissemination of new knowledge regarding whole-person healing and whole systems healthcare research, including all traditional, holistic, alternative, complementary, and integrative forms of medicine (TCAIM). It provides a platform for knowledge and information exchange of TCAIM research to enhance international communication and collaboration.

ISCMR supports the organizing of the annual International Congress on Complementary Medicine Research (ICCMR) and organizes a poster prize competition for trainees and students (defined as those enrolled in a practitioner intern or trainee program, or an undergraduate or graduate degree program). 

- Winner receives a certificate and the equivalent of USD $250.
- Two (2) Runners-Up will receive a certificate and the equivalent of USD $150 each.
- Honorable Mentions may be identified during the ISCMR poster prize announcement.

In 2017, the trainee/student poster prize competition was re-named in memory of Dr. George Lewith, a founding member of ISCMR, who was a leader in the field of traditional, complementary, and integrative healthcare research and a committed mentor to many students and trainees.

For more detailed information about this prize, members can login to view the following documents:

Standard Operating Procedure for Dr. George Lewith Poster Prize (pdf)
Dr. George Lewith Trainee Poster Prize (temporary SOP 2022) (pdf)

Call for Abstracts

Information about the poster prize will be provided closer to the Congress event date.

Please direct general inquiries to or

Recent Articles
Past Dr. George Lewith Poster Prize Winners, Runners Up & Honorable Mentions

Dr. Marja Verhoef Methodology Lectureship


Dr. Marja Verhoef was one of the co-founders and the first President of the International Society for Complementary Medicine Research (ISCMR). As the Canadian Research Chair in Complementary Medicine at the University of Calgary, Canada, and Associate Professor at the University of Tromsø, Norway, Dr. Verhoef initiated and carried out many research projects, supported students in their Masters and Doctorate studies, and educated medical students in complementary medicine research methods. For her work, she was awarded the Dr. Rogers Prize for excellence in Complementary and Alternative Medicine in 2011.

The Dr. Marja Verhoef Methodology Lectureship, established to promote the development and use of research methods in the field of Alternative and Complementary Medical Research, helped fund the travel costs of having an ICCMR keynote speaker at each ICCMR conference from 2014 to 2023.

ISCMR continues to promote the inclusion of research courses and methodological issues at the ICCMRs, both as part of the vision of the Lectureship, and the greater purpose of advancing discussion and collaboration in methodologies and methods in TCAIM research.

Additional information about the Lectureship can be viewed in the following document: Dr. Marja Verhoef Lectureship (pdf)

Recent Articles
Past Dr. Marja Verhoef Methodology Lectureship Speakers